WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. PAGE 1 Aviemore Highland Resort Planning Applications - Member Update 1. This short report is to bring Members up to date on progress with two Aviemore Highland Resort (AHR) planning applications for mixed use development across the resort site. 2. This site plays an important role within the landscape and urban context as well as the economy of Aviemore and the National Park. The CNPA therefore appreciates the importance of applications within the site and approaches them accordingly in a thorough and professional way. 3. CNPA resolved on 14 December 2007 to grant outline planning permission (07/445/CP) for a mixed use development comprising, inter alia, retail, business/office, storage and distribution, residential, leisure, holiday lodges. This application has been commonly referred to as the AHR Masterplan. As the application was to establish the principle, the CNPA was able to process it within a very short timeframe (32 days from validation)in order to meet both the applicants and wider community desire to move things forward as quickly as possible. This could be achieved in the knowledge that a wide range of matters of detail could be dealt with via subsequent applications for approval of reserved matters. 4. With the substantive decision having been taken in December 2007 the applicant has had sufficient certainty to continue working on detailed proposals for the site, including dialogue with the CNPA, The Highland Council and others. In the meantime the CNPA has taken further resolutions on the conditions and Section 75 Agreement for the outline permission on 28 December 2007 and 20 March 2008. The Section 75 Agreement between AHR, CNPA and The PAGE 2 Highland Council is expected to be concluded in the next few weeks and the permission issued. 5. On 20 June 2008 The Highland Council validated an application by AHR for full planning permission for a mixed use development comprising residential, retail, office, community, leisure, park, environmental improvements, roads infrastructure, hotel extensions, and lodges. The CNPA called in the application (08/241/CP) on 27 June 2008. This is a complex and wide-ranging detailed application that covers the layout of roads, the location of the various elements within the site, the detailed design for each element and the context and detailing of landscaping/open space. 6. As with all planning applications, the CNPA will process and determine this latest AHR application as efficiently as possible. CNPA officials have had ongoing dialogue with the applicants in the months leading up to submission of this application. It has been consistently made clear that a detailed application of this scale and complexity in an important location within the National Park would have to be accompanied by a comprehensive suite of detailed information on all elements of the proposals. Likewise it has been consistently stressed that the speed of determination and a positive outcome were dependent on the content and quality of the submission: the final decision of course resting with the CNPA Planning Committee. 7. Following call in of the application on 27 June and subsequent receipt of the file from The Highland Council, the CNPA planning team carried out an immediate assessment of the range of information included within it. On 2 July the applicant was notified of a significant amount of additional information that was required by way of drawings, technical assessments, supporting statements and clarification of the PAGE 3 boundary of the application site. This information is required, not only to assist the CNPAs consideration of the proposals, but to allow various consultees to respond and comment. As of 10 July this is still awaited. 8. A number of consultations had been initiated by The Highland Council and CNPA will be carrying out others. The number of copies of documents in the submission provided by the applicant and the lack of electronic versions has also slowed down the consultation process. The CNPA on 2 July requested electronic versions of all documents on a CD that CNPA would then copy and circulate to consultees. As of 10 July this is still awaited. 9. The CNPA has arranged for Architecture + Design Scotland, who commented on the outline proposals, to consider the application at a Design Review meeting in Edinburgh on 29 July. 10. The CNPA planning team will be contacting all consultees to ensure that they either submit their responses within the requested timeframe or highlight the additional information required from the applicant to enable them to respond. All feedback from consultees will be communicated to the applicant as soon as it is received. 11. The CNPA will buy in additional specialist support as necessary to help with the full assessment and processing of the current application. The nature of such support is currently the subject of consideration and discussion. 12. Following the A+DS Design Review at the end of July and receipt of various other consultation responses the CNPA planning team will be in a position to have discussions with the applicant on design and related issues. There may PAGE 4 also have to be discussion on issues arising from the various technical assessments. All dialogue will be initiated as soon as possible after any issues have been identified. The application will be reported to the Planning Committee when outstanding matters have been dealt with as far as is possible and it is in a condition that will allow a decision to be taken. 13. To conclude, the CNPA is a competent planning authority and, as such, it will process the latest application and outstanding issues associated with the previous application as efficiently as possible in accordance with all proper planning considerations and the statutory purpose the authority has to ensure that the National Park aims are collectively delivered in a co-ordinated way. Don McKee Head of Planning 10 July 2008